Saturday, April 30, 2016

Second World: Chapter 4

The Village

As we approached the village, I looked around. The road to the village was really quiet. There didn't seem like anyone was around but that was understandable since we haven't reached the village gates. When we did, we walked inside. It was completely different that outside the gate. There were many children running around, playing games. I kept walking and looking around. We ended up finding an inn and knocked on the door. A woman who looked around 30 opened the door and looked at us, "How may I help you?"

I looked her in the eye and asked politely, "We were wondering whether we can stay in your inn for a few nights. We don't have any money on us at the moment but we'll do anything you want just for us to stay a couple of nights."

The woman stared at me. She turned her head and called out inside the inn, "Honey! Come out here for a second!"

A small voice called out from inside, "Mama, who's outside? I wanna see."

The woman gasped as the child's head stuck out from behind the door. The little girl looked up from the door and exclaimed, "Mama! Papa! She looks like the Queen from the books!"

Celeste, Peter, and I exchanged a look. We didn't know what was going on so we didn't want to cause a commotion. A tall man pulled the door open wider and looked at us. He then looked at the woman beside him and said, "Let them in. We'll find something for them to do. This isn't the first time."

The woman nodded and stepped away from the door with room for us to go inside, "Welcome to the Falloway Inn."

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Second World: Chapter 3

An Impossible Land

We continued to stare up at the sky. I looked over at Celeste then Peter, both of which were staring with their mouths open. At that very moment, a hand reached out from the hole and took a hold of all three of us. Celeste screamed, Peter fainted, but I was amazed. This couldn't have really been happening but it was.

We were continually pulled into the hole that led to another world. Nothing could have explained what was happening, and we couldn't have been saved since we were so far away from any residences.

I continued to watch the process calmly. Not long later, we were finally pulled to the other side and were placed on the ground softly. Celeste had finally stopped screaming but she was looking around frantically. I looked over at Peter who laid on the ground, still unconscious. Yes, we were placed on the ground of this foreign land. I took in my surroundings and then stood up, "Celeste, don't scream no matter what happens. If you do, you'll attract more unnecessary attention."

Celeste looked at me but with horror in her face, "What do you mean by any of that?! How can you be so calm with what just happened to us?!"

I sighed, "There's nothing we can do. The hole has already closed. We might not be able to go home at this moment so we need to do things that ensure our survival. The only way we can survive is to be calm and take things step by step from here."

Celeste glared at me, "Just because you're ready to take on this world, doesn't mean the rest of us are."

I shrugged and ignored her. I then looked at Peter again, then at the village below the hill we stood on, "We should try to find a place to stay in that village for now so that we can get more information about this world."

Celeste stayed where she sat, crossed her arms, and turned her head the other way, "I refuse."

I tilted my head at her and went to make a start on waking Peter, "Would you rather stay here in the wilderness, where anything can happen? Do you not remember what we say from the other side? Dragons... Ogres... Thieves... Goblins..."

"Stop! Stop! I get it! Let's hurry then." Celeste exclaimed as she pulled herself up onto her feet.

I shook Peter awake. He looked at me confused. I smiled and said, "We need to move away from here. Follow and no questions asked?"

Peter signed, "Okay. Since I'm not supposed to be asking questions, you better not lead us into any dangers."

I shrugged, "I just got a good feeling as to what we should do. Anyways, just follow."

With that, the three of us walked down the hill and towards the village.

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Second World: Chapter 2

The Difference

I stared at the hole in the sky. This was something new. Something that I had not experienced before. This something had triggered my curiosity and so I followed it. I looked over at Peter and said, "Go home without me. I want to see if I can get closer to it."

I turned back towards the gaping hole in the sky without hearing a reply from Peter before I started running towards it. As I got closer to the hole, I started to see something on the other side of it. There was an electric pulse that went through my skin as I got closer. I didn't know what this feeling was so I put aside the thought for now, not realizing that in the near future, I should have been more careful.

Much to my dismay, I heard Peter's voice call out from behind me, "Wait, Eve!"

I ignored him but then another voice called out, "Eve! Wait up!"

This made me turn around. I would never have thought Celeste would be following my brother, much less me. I stared at her for a good second before she stated, "Let me go with you, wherever you are going."

That did it. Sure I've never interacted with her before but that was because in all my school years, I have avoided being bullied or being the center of attention of a bully. The fact that the biggest bully of Eden Academy was trying to follow me made it so much worse. I knew that if I continued to let her follow me, she would somehow take everything that could have been mine. So I decided to keep running.

No sooner, I stood directly beneath the large hole in the sky. The hole was about 50 feet in diameter. I continued to stare into it and I couldn't move from my spot. By then, Celeste and Peter had caught up and they stood on either side of me, staring up at the hole.

We couldn't believe our eyes. Through the hole was a whole other city and world. There were castles and villages. Dragons and ogres. Griffins and nymphs. Knights and mages. It was completely different from the world that we currently lived in so we just stood in awe of the differences.

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

Second World: Chapter 1

The Sky

It was just another day in my life. The sky was bright. The sun was out. Nothing seemed different at all. I wouldn't have even thought that anything would change.

School seemed to have gone by so slowly but at the same time, it didn't. It was just another day where Celeste Faust bullied the weak nerds that went to our school, Eden Academy. Most people would assume that since our school is called Eden Academy, all the students would behave and that they were perfect 'angels' but, that was only the appearance everyone gave to the public. In the privacy of the school, many things happened that no one could stop. Not even the faculty or staff could stop the trouble.

I was on my way home to my foster parent's house with my brother, Peter Winters. Peter is the same age as I am but he's not my twin because we were both adopted by our current parents. So, in other words, we are technically foster siblings.

Peter looked up at the sky and said, "Eve. Look at the sky."

I looked up at Peter's words. There in the sky was a large hole made by the clouds.

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.