Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Second World: Chapter 8

The Dragon

Peter tried to take a step back but fell over. I ran as fast as I can towards him but the dragon was faster. The dragon landed on the ground before Peter. I kept going towards Peter and looked up at the dragon.

None of the young soldiers stepped any closer to us. We kept eye contact with the dragon. I whispered to Peter, "Slowly back away."

Peter nodded and took a small step back with me. The dragon roared.

Peter froze in shock.

I swallowed.

The dragon looked straight at me. Ian called out behind me, "Just back up, Eve. We have your back."

I glanced behind me at Ian and then back at the dragon.

I knew. The dragon wanted to speak but there were too many witnesses. At one point, I also knew that the dragon would hear me, without me speaking out loud.

I looked at the dragon and spoke to it. Please come back later. Or I will come in search of you. The villagers are frightened and they won't stay away. I don't want to scare them.

The dragon looked me in the eye, looked around, and then took flight again.

The villagers started whispering but started to retreat back to their places. The soldiers gathered and talked.

I sighed and pulled Peter, "Let's go back to the inn. I need to meet with the dragon at some point tonight or tomorrow. We should go back, to not attract attention."

Peter looked at me and nodded. He got up and we retrieved Celeste who was staring at the sky and we all went back to the inn.

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

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