Saturday, May 14, 2016

Second World: Chapter 18


We stood in Crown Prince Nicholas' office, much further away from the man himself than I had expected. Both Celeste and Peter were nervous, their faces were calm but their hands shook, betraying their looks.

Alice and Kaine stood between the Crown Prince and us, bowing before him. I had assumed hat since they were siblings, the atmosphere would be much lighter than what it felt like right now.

The atmosphere was trained. No one spoke a word. Through the silence, I was able to hear the twins swallow in their own nervousness.

I glanced down at my hands. I wasn't nervous at all, my body didn't betray these very thoughts I had. I looked back up at the Crown Prince as he turned around to face us. He, himself, glanced at the twins and asked, "What were you two doing outside of the castle again?"

Kaine's body shook as he kept his bowing position. Alice lifted her head and exclaimed, "I was the one that convinced Kaine to go outside with me! Please don't punish him!"

Crown Prince Nicholas ignored Alice's attempts to lessen his anger. He addressed Kaine, "You are Alice's older brother. Why are you not trying to stop her foolish decisions? You know that they are foolish and the both of you have only just recovered from your last journey."

Kaine didn't move. Alice frowned and moved to stand in front of Kaine, protecting him from the Crown Prince's wrath, "Brother."

The Crown Prince moved his gaze towards Alice and responded in the same tone, "Alice."

Alice winced and melted back a little.

As if is attitude was just a fragment of our imagination, he looked at the three of us with a bright smile, "Welcome to the Wristen Royal Castle as well as the Vaneh Kingdom."

Crown Prince Nicholas tilted his head and his smile transformed into a grin, "Or should I say, welcome back."

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Second World: Chapter 17

Crown Prince

Alice stood silently with her arms crossed before her. She did her best to patiently wait for Kaine to speak on their behalf since he didn't want her making "rash" decisions based on his experience traveling with her.

Kaine sighed and shook his head, "In the end, it is best if you just come with us. It is unlikely for the Crown Prince to be any less busy to have the time to wait for your arrival as soon as he affirms your existence. We might as well all head over there together to get it over with one shot."

Alice grinned and clapped her hands together, "Finally! Let's hurry back."

Kaine glared at Alice as she had spoken excitedly. Goldheart sighed and blew hot air into our faces, "I'll be waiting for the truth. Just let me know when you find out. If they are fakes, I'll be ready to pulverize them."

Celeste and Peter frowned at this reaction. I swallowed but calmly nodded to him, "If that is how you wish to deal with us, then let it be so."

Kaine looked towards the town and said, "We better hurry. The guards are already making their way into the forest. If they find any of us here, much less with a dragon, we'll be interrogated. We'll also get in trouble if they catch Alice and I here."

Alice nodded in agreement. I exchanged a look with Celeste and Peter who also nodded. Goldheart decided to promptly take flight. I will be waiting to hear from you.

Immediately afterwards, the five of us made our way through alleys and past many buildings to reach the castle. Once there, Kaine leaped over the castle wall while Alice walked a bit around the wall to uncover a side door. Without hesitation, the three of us followed after her.

I looked around for Kaine on the other side of the wall but with no sight of him, I asked, "Where did Kaine go?"

Alice nodded towards the castle, "He went ahead to let Nicholas know that we are on our way to his office."

Peter frowned, "Office?"

Knowing the time that it is way past midnight, and late in the night, both Peter and Celeste were confused as to why the Crown Prince wasn't in his bedroom instead. Both Peter and Celeste were well known back at Eden Academy for their intellect. Neither of them needed to work or study late into the night since all the information they learn in class are already well embedded into their minds. They didn't know the struggled of hard work that the rest of us has to go through in order to be passing our classes. I sighed with a shake of my head and said, "He is probably still working on some documents or the like."

Alice nodded and whispered, "Now let's hurry before the guards come around patrolling the hallway outside his office door. The good thing is that he doesn't keep anyone guarding his door."

Before any of us took a step, the wind blew harshly past us, whipping Alice's, Celeste's and my hair across our faces. I tucked my hair behind my ear and looked up at the sky wondering about the wind.

There, on one of the balconies of the castle's wall, stood a man most handsome. Although he looked tired and somewhat sickly, he stood regal and straight while looking at the sky himself. Not a second later, he looked down at us and my eyes met his.

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Second World: Chapter 16

The Evident Truth

Celeste, Peter, and I exchanged a grin. This explains everything. The three of us, since we were adopted. Our name's initials are quite similar to the names of the missing people. And the name of the one person who was always around us, Nicholas Wristen. Of course he was in no way healthy enough to become the next King. And the reason to that was that he was always using his powers to keep in contact with us. But since he was so busy, no one had the time to listen to any of his words as to where we were.

Finally, it was the one thing that kept growing in us as we journeyed the Vaneh Kingdom. Some kind of power grew within us even as we grew accustomed to the weapons we chose in the beginning. The magic. The magic of royalty and those close to royalty. We didn't dare us any magic in fear of anyone seeing us as suspicious or anything so we stayed away from the magic. Our memories had slowly recovered as we traveled, but one thing we don't know for certain as our identity. We knew our surroundings, knew the land that we traveled.

Celeste and Peter waited for me to say something. I nodded in response and turned to look at the other three once again. I gave my best curtsy and replied to the one question that they all had in mind, "In our world, my name is Evangeline Winters. As according to your words describing the ones missing, and as according to the memories that I had lost but have now gained, I am your Queen. Eve Wristen."

In turn, Peter did the same with a bow, "In our world, I am known as Peter Winters. In yours as according to what we now know, I am Philip Wristen."

Followed by Celeste in a curtsy, "In our world, I am Celeste Faust. In yours, I am Claire Frost."

As we recovered to a relaxed stance, Kaine, Alice and Goldheart all exchanged a look. They seemed confused and didn't seem to truly believe us. I tilted my head a little and asked, "What would it take for you to believe us? If there is nothing, we would most certainly like to see Crown Prince Nicholas as he would more than certainly, like to see us."

Alice seemed to be, once again, the first to believe and trust us but Kaine kept a grip on her arm, making sure she didn't say a word. With that, Kaine asked, "Why should we believe you? After you had found out the name of the missing, you had suddenly changed attitudes and declared yourself as the missing. What is there for us to believe that you had not done that in order to somehow get close to the Crown Prince?"

Alice looked at Kaine in worry. Goldheart, in return, was also silent. I glanced at Celeste and Peter who both ndoded. I turned back to Kaine, "There is no need to worry about what we would do if we got too close because there is nothing that we would do. Alice trusts in us and believes us, why are you, Kaine, so easy to distrust?"

Kaine winced at my words. He didn't know what to say. Alice touched his arm and whispered his name, "Kaine..."

Goldheart took that chance and said, "The only way we will know whether they tell the truth is to bring them to Nicholas. We can ask him whether he had been in contact with these three."

Kaine glanced at Goldheart and then nodded, "Yes. We can do that but that brings us back to my question. Will they harm him?"

I sighed, "We're not going to get anywhere if we keep going like this. The best option now would be to have the three of you speak with Crown Prince Nicholas and figure out whether we were telling the truth. We'll stay in one of the inns within town and wait for you to come back with the verdict."

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Second World: Chapter 15

The Search

Alice's face fell, "You would be able to meet her if we find her. But she's been missing for nine years. We don't even know if she is alive now."

"Missing for nine years? How old would she be now?" I asked.

Alice and Kaine exchanged a look. Kaine answered, "She'd be about 19 years old now."

I looked over at Celeste and Peter. They nodded to me but I shook my head. All three of us were 19 years old. Putting Peter aside, it was possible since Celeste and I were 19 year old females, possible to be the Queen but, that was only if it was possible for us to be adopted through another world. I returned my gaze to the twins and asked, "Are there anyone else acquainted to the missing Queen that is also missing now?"

Alice and Kaine looked at each other, wondering whether they should say anything. Goldheart blew a hot wind onto all of us and answered, "At around the same time, the Duke's son and the Queen's nursemaid's daughter. All three of them were close friends all the same age."

Celeste, Peter and I exchanged a look. Two females and one male. Similar to our situation. Kaine looked at us for our reactions, but we didn't really show any. Alice then explained, "We've been sneaking out of the castle to look for the Queen as well as the other two since they disappeared and we're almost done looking everywhere."

Goldheart interjected, "I heard through the wind that you two have been severely injured five years ago, causing you to both full recover just barely two weeks ago."

Alice frowned, "We can still go! There's barely a handful of locations that we still need to check. After that, if they aren't there, they aren't within our kingdom. After that, the only place they can be would be in another kingdom."

Goldheart roared, "I have gone throughout the entire kingdom. Even to other kingdoms. I have no seen or heard of anyone similar to the Queen or the other two. The closest one every would be the human child behind you, Evangeline Winters."

The three of them glanced at me and then Goldheart continued, "Either way, the two of you need to remain in the castle in case there is a time where you need to become the next royal leaders. The prophetess would sooner or later tell signs of the Queen's passing or reveal where she is. If the Queen passes, either one of you will become the next Queen or King."

Alice retorted, "The Crown Prince can do that. We won't necessarily be the next in line for the throne."

"You know as well as I, that the Crown Prince is unable to become the next King. He has already done so much to cover for the missing Queen. He has had no time to mourn or watch his own health. He also has never ever dealt with the royal public duties."

I raised my hand and interjected, "I'd like to ask something..."

Goldheart continued, "Therefore you need to stay here. Either way, there is no reason for the both of  you to go any further than you have already searched. I will continue in your place."

I cleared my throat and raised my hand, "May I ask a question?"

The three of them looked over at the three of us. I smiled and quickly asked, "May we know the names of the missing Queen and the other two, as well as the name of the Crown Prince?"

Alice grinned, "Of course. The Queen is Eve Wristen. The Duke's son is Philip Wristen. And the nursemaid's daughter is Claire Frost. And finally, the Crown Prince's name is-"

"Nicholas Wristen..." Celeste, Peter and I said at the same time.

Alice clapped her hands together and smiled, "That's correct! But how did you know?"

Kaine stepped in front of Alice in an attempt to protect her. Goldheart did the same thing, but leaned close towards us and asked, "You three are but children of another world. The Crown Prince's name isn't even known among the citizens of Vaneh Kingdom. Just who are you?"

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Second World: Chapter 14


I turned towards the door of the building. The voice was familiar. It hadn't been so long ago that the voice was heard. Goldheart. I was about to head towards the door when I realized, I wasn't the only one that heard his voice.

Alice and Kaine both held their hands over their ears. When they realized that it was safe, they put down their hands and then looked at each other. They whispered to each other before starting to heard towards the door themselves. I swallowed and looked back at Peter and Celeste, "The dragon is here. Would you like to come with me or do you want to stay here?"

Peter and Celeste looked at each other. Peter nodded and Celeste replied, "We'll go with you."

I nodded in response and followed right after Alice and Kaine. Outside was a mess. Some buildings had caught on fire while the citizens were running around and away from a certain area. It was where the dragon was. The five of them went in that direction.

After a moment, Alice and Kaine noticed the three of us following them. Kaine asked, "What are you doing here? It's dangerous!"

Alice looked at me again. I smiled and responded, "It may be dangerous but we need to be there."

Kaine sighed just as we all neared the dragon. Kaine and Alice stood before the dragon. The dragon looked at them and then at us and bowed  to them, "Greetings to Prince Kaine and Princess Alice. To what may I owe your appearance?"

"Prince Kaine?" Peter exclaimed. "Princess Alice?!" Celeste gasped. Alice and Kaine looked at us and nodded. Kaine looked at the dragon and said, "We came because you called, Goldheart."

Goldheart looked around. He nodded and then sighed, "My apologies. It wasn't my intention to call out to you, Your Highness. I was calling out to that human child behind you. The one who calls herself Evangeline Winters."

I curtsied as Kaine and Alice turned to look at me. Goldheart continued and demanded, "But never mind that. What is this that I hear that the Queen has gone missing?!"

Kaine looked nervous while Alice swallowed. She looked up at Goldheart and responded, "It wasn't our intention to hide this from you. In actual truth, the Queen has been missing for the past 9 years. Just after her coronation, she disappeared. Because we couldn't let the civilians know, we hid that fact from them while one of the Queen's look alikes took her place for a while."

I frowned, "The Queen is missing? Does this mean that I will not have the chance to meet her anymore?"

Everyone looked at me.

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Second World: Chapter 13


No one liked outsiders. Even more so, they didn't like people who don't seem to notice that they don't belong. We belong in that category. A group of outsiders that rarely realize that what they were doing and how they acted was not accepted in the town.

Peter looked at Celeste as she demanded from the innkeeper, "I want coffee. No, it can't be too bitter. I want milk in it too. Goat milk. Let's see, I also want vanilla syrup You don't know what that is?! My God!! Well, bring some sweetener on the side for me. Oh and do you have this thing called whip cream? No? Fine, just bring me what I asked and sugar cubes. Thanks."

I sighed and gave a small glance around us as the innkeeper left before talking, "So what should we do while waiting to gain audience with the Queen?"

Celeste replied, "Do whatever we can. Obviously, I would even suggest storming into the castle but I don't want to lose my life in another land."

I looked to Peter. He shrugged. Since we didn't know enough about this kingdom, we had to do everything to the best of our abilities and adapt when necessary.

The innkeeper brought our order and asked in a nervous tone, "Umm... will you be able to pay for everything? It adds up to a little more than 200 silver..."

I looked at the innkeeper and gave my best smile, "Yes, we can pay for it. Don't worry. We won't order too much to not be able to pay. Thanks for the warning."

The innkeeper gave a small smile before heading back to serving other customers. When he did, two people entered the building. I stared at them. They dressed completely in black and didn't reveal their faces, which could mean that they might not be the best people to interact with.

Celeste stuffed her face with the food and coffee that she ordered. Peter ate what he could while I just nibbled on the muffin that I ordered. The two people walked silently over to where our table was and actually sat down with us. All three of us stopped eating and stared at them.

The one with long platinum blonde hair grabbed my hands and smiled. The face under the hood revealed one with a well cared for face. She continued to smile and asked, "Does anyone tell you that you look like the splitting image of the Queen?"

I looked over at Peter and Celeste, hoping that they would help me. But nope, they looked away. The other of the two actually started eating the food on our table. With a small, both of their hoods fell off their heads. I looked back at the girl and asked, "Umm... how am I able to help you?"

At a second glance, I was able to tell that the both of them were twins. Almost identical save for their hair color and their hair length. The boy sighed and said, "Hurry up. We don't have time for this."

The girl turned to the boy and pouted, "I know."

The girl turned back to me and opened her mouth, ready to say something else when there was a scream heard from the streets.

Everyone in the room turned towards the scream. The boy grabbed the girl's arm, "Alice, we need to go before the guards come!"

"But, Kaine..."

Another scream could be heard. This time, Celeste and Peter stood. I looked at them and nodded to them. With that, they ran up to our rooms and grabbed all our things. I looked at the girl and boy before me and asked, "If you must go, you should go. Is there any reason you don't wish to let go?"

The girl named Alice nodded, "You look very much like the Queen. We need to check something with you first."

The boy named Kaine shouted, "Alice! Something is happening right outside and since we don't know what, we have to go!"

Alice shook her head, "I wish to stay with her."


"Eve!" Peter cried out. I turned to look in his direction as a sword came flying at me. I pulled my hands from Alice's and grabbed the sword in the air. As Peter neared me, I took hold of the rest of my things, "Have you paid the innkeeper?"

"Yes," I looked to Celeste, "You holding up okay?"

Celeste nodded. Suddenly, a voice called out inside my head, Human Child!

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Second World: Chapter 12

The Royal Family

Three weeks have passed since the first day of our arrival in this kingdom called Vaneh. As we journeyed through the kingdom towards the Royal Family's castle, we learned more about the family.

It was commonly known that the royal family consisted of the King, Queen, the Crown Prince, the Crown Princess, and the twin prince and princess. But after a certain incident several years ago, the king and queen passed away, leaving the Crown Princess to become the next Queen as she is today. There was also the King's younger brother who became the Duke along with his family of his wife and son. The former Queen's family had for some unknown reason become disconnected with the royal family. No one knew much about them and no one decided to look into it.

In the royal court, there was a group of nobles and ministers that reported every detail to the current Queen. But for some unknown reason even though problems were reported, nothing changed. The world continued to move on without the current Queen's move for change.The villagers of every town that we've been through had considered that strange.

This day, we stood before the castle gates. The soldiers had told every person that the Queen was not having any audiences. But we stood waiting. We wanted answers. By midday, Celeste had gotten tired of waiting and exclaimed, "We've come this far and we can't even gain audience to see the Queen!"

I turned to look at her. I knew that it was frustrating. I sighed, "Shall we come back tomorrow?"

Peter shrugged while Celeste nodded very enthusiastically. I nodded, "Let's go back to the inn for now."

I glanced back at the castle gates once more before following Celeste and Peter back to the inn.

Two pairs of eyes watched from the top of a tree as Eve, Celeste, and Peter left for the inn that they stayed in. The two pairs of eyes belonged to two people. Both wore a hooded coat and black clothing underneath.

One of the two had long platinum blonde hair, while the other had short jet black hair. Which in the end, identified them as female and male.

The female turned to the male, "She looks exactly like the Queen."

The male shrugged, "I suppose if we haven't seen her for nearly 10 years. It's a good assumption to how she looks now."

The female shook her head, "Not only that. Her aura. It's practically identical to the Queen's aura."

The male sighed, "I suppose you want to follow them?"

The female nodded. With that, both of them vanished from where they had originally stood.


Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.