Saturday, May 7, 2016

Second World: Chapter 11

The Journey

We stared after the dragon as it flew away. I looked at Peter and Celeste, "When should we go?"

Celeste asked, still in awe of the dragon, "Go where?"

Peter looked at me, "The sooner, the better."

I nodded and started back to the inn in the village. Peter pulled Celeste's arm as he made his way back.

We went back to our respective rooms and started to grab what little we had, namely our school bags. We headed downstairs and told Marcie and Stephen our plans. They supported us fully and gave us some travel money that we had "earned" from the work Peter and I did. We thanked them and made our way out of the village. As we neared the village gates, Ian and Erica called out to us, "Wait! Eve! Peter! Celeste!"

We stopped and turned around. Ian approached us first, "I would like to offer you some weapons for your trip. It will be dangerous without anything to fend yourself with."

Peter smiled and we all thanked Ian. We followed him to the barracks. Erica held my hand and asked, "Must you go?"

I smiled sadly, "Yes. We'll be sure to come back at some point. There's just something we need to check."

Erica nodded and released my hand to let me pick out the weapons that I would take. I looked around briefly and a blade in the back caught my eye. I stared at it and asked Ian, "May I take that one in the back?"

Ian followed my gaze and responded as I made my way towards it, "No one has been able to wield it. None of the soldiers here know the value of that sword because no one has been able to use it. You can take it if you can-"

I picked up the sword and pulled it from its sheath before Ian finished. I examined it and whispered, "Japanese katana..."

I picked up the sheath and then walked back towards Peter and Celeste. Peter nodded to me when I caught his eyes. I placed the katana back in its sheath and then attached it to my waist. I grabbed one other sword and attached it on my other side. I also picked out a few daggers and selectively placed them in strategic locations. Peter took one sword and hung it across his back. Celeste chose to take a bow and a quiver of arrows. She also took a dagger and placed it against her right leg.

We nodded to Ian, thanked him again, and made our way onto the path towards the castle of the Wristen royal family.

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Second World: Chapter 10


I gestured to Celeste and Peter to wait for me to speak first. The dragon looked at all of us slowly. I swallowed and then took one tentative step towards the dragon. The dragon slowly moved into a laying position and placed its head on the ground. It looked at me and then said in a deep, commanding voice, "Why did  you stop me?"

I stared, "You can speak, like a human?"

I turned to look at Celeste and Peter, both as surprised as I was. The dragon continued, "Yes. I have lived for thousands of years, it isn't surprising that I can speak the human tongue. But you, how were you able to speak to me? It was like you were in my mind. No one is able to do that, except for the royalty of this kingdom and of the many others."

I didn't move. I didn't want to make the dragon mad. It continued, "A mere commoner, demands for me to leave the people of this village alone. To leave until further notice. A mere commoner. Unless... you are not just a commoner."

The dragon waited for my response. I swallowed and explained, "My name is Evangeline Winters. My companions and I came from another world. We don't know where we are or what we are to do to go back."

"So you don't know whether you are even a commoner."

I nodded. The dragon sighed, or what resembled a sigh, "This land is called Vaneh, making this the Vaneh Kingdom. The Wristen royal family rules this land."

Peter took a step forward, "I, or we, have never heard of this land."

The dragon sighed again, "Then you must come from another world. But the thing is, only a Wristen royalty can speak into my mind. This Evangeline Winters is a rarity, if she is not of the Wristen royalty."

Peter looked at me and then Celeste stepped towards the dragon, "My name is Celeste Faust. Is there a Faust royal family? Or a Faust noble?"

I sighed. Celeste would, of course, try to find if she has some sort of roots to wealth here. One thing that the three of us had in common was that we were all adopted. Whether we were adopted from the same place or not, that is a question to be asked and an answer to be found. But we had that one thing in common. Peter looked to me again and I nodded to him. He then asked, "My name is Peter Winters. Are any of the royalty missing?"

The dragon stood. It glared at Peter and exclaimed, "That is none of your business. Business of the royal family is of the royal family only."

I stepped in front of Peter and told the dragon, "It isn't much of our business but the three of us were adopted by families in the other word. It wouldn't be a surprise if we-"

"No. Don not say another word. If you really wish to find out, I suggest you go to the Royal family's castle."

The dragon took a few steps back. Celeste was frozen shocked. She stepped towards Peter but didn't move any closer to the dragon. I stepped towards the dragon and asked, "We haven't received your name."

The dragon gave one last look at us, "Goldheart," and took off.

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Second World: Chapter 9

The Secret Meeting

It has been several hours since I've slipped into my bed. Celeste was still awake but as soon as she knocked out, I slipped out of my bed.

I had to find a spot to meet the dragon without anyone finding out about my plans. I stood beside my bed and then started running towards the forest. Can you hear me? I'm going into the forest now. I'll meet you around there.

I kept going towards the forest when I felt a few presences behind me. I sighed. I knew who they were. Celeste and Peter. I reached the forest and asked, "Why are you following me?"

Celeste answered first, "We came her together so if we're going to do anything, we stay together."

Peter shrugged, "I'm curious as to what you are planning, especially after the dragon incident."

I sighed, "I found out that I was able to speak to dragons. Earlier, I had convinced the dragon to leave for the moment until I met up with him under better circumstances. So that's what I am doing now."

I watched Celeste and Peter for their responses and then nodded when they nodded.

We started our way to figuring out where we would meet the dragon. At last, we found a large opening.

And that was when the dragon landed in front of us. That was when the secret meeting commenced.

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Second World: Chapter 8

The Dragon

Peter tried to take a step back but fell over. I ran as fast as I can towards him but the dragon was faster. The dragon landed on the ground before Peter. I kept going towards Peter and looked up at the dragon.

None of the young soldiers stepped any closer to us. We kept eye contact with the dragon. I whispered to Peter, "Slowly back away."

Peter nodded and took a small step back with me. The dragon roared.

Peter froze in shock.

I swallowed.

The dragon looked straight at me. Ian called out behind me, "Just back up, Eve. We have your back."

I glanced behind me at Ian and then back at the dragon.

I knew. The dragon wanted to speak but there were too many witnesses. At one point, I also knew that the dragon would hear me, without me speaking out loud.

I looked at the dragon and spoke to it. Please come back later. Or I will come in search of you. The villagers are frightened and they won't stay away. I don't want to scare them.

The dragon looked me in the eye, looked around, and then took flight again.

The villagers started whispering but started to retreat back to their places. The soldiers gathered and talked.

I sighed and pulled Peter, "Let's go back to the inn. I need to meet with the dragon at some point tonight or tomorrow. We should go back, to not attract attention."

Peter looked at me and nodded. He got up and we retrieved Celeste who was staring at the sky and we all went back to the inn.

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Second World: Chapter 7

The Disaster

We all sat at the table for dinner. The Farrow family, Stephen, Marcie, Ian and Erica, sat together on one side while Celeste, Peter and I sat on the other.

By now, we had already introduced ourselves to each other and we were having a great time. Peter and Ian were in a deep conversation about fighting and the skills that Ian received from his training. Celeste dreamily watched Ian while eating even though she would usually talk her mouth off. On the other hand, I was half listening to everything Erica has to say about the Queen.

Suddenly, the ground shook. Celeste screamed but the Farrow family seemed to know what to do. They each grabbed a bag while Ian also grabbed his sword. He ran outside with Peter at his tail, holding a shovel.

I looked at the rest of the family and asked, "What's going on?"

They each exchanged a look but refused to say anymore. By then, Celeste was done screaming. We exchanged a look ourselves and decided to go outside to see what was happening.

When we got outside, we couldn't see anything so we followed a group of healthy, strong, young men. They all headed in same direction. When we got there, we saw some of their swords at the ready.

Peter stood a distance away from the group, staring up at the sky. He stood by himself. Celeste pulled my arm and pointed at the sky. I looked up. A dragon.

I followed the gaze of the dragon and realized what it was looking at. Peter. I screamed, "Peter! Watch out!!"

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Second World: Chapter 6

The Job (or not?)

I continued to stare at the image. I looked exactly like her. The only difference is that the Queen in the book looked a little older. The queen was royalty to this kingdom. I still didn't know where exactly we were. A voice cut through my thoughts, "Erica, go get your brother from the training grounds."

The little girl, Erica, raised her hand and jumped off her chair, "Okay, Mama!"

I looked to my left to find the innkeeper's wife looking after her daughter. She then looked at the book and smiled at me, "You really do look like the Queen."

I just returned her smile and asked, "If I wanted to meet her, how should I go about doing that?"

The innkeeper's wife sighed, "I'm not entirely sure myself. Most villagers just go straight to the castle and camp outside there until it is their turn for an audience with the Queen."

I nodded at this. The innkeeper's wife gasped, "Dear me! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Marcie. Marcie Fallow. That was Erica just now, going to retrieve her brother Ian. And my husband is Stephen."

I smiled and bowed towards her, "My name is Eve Winters. The other girl is Celeste Faust and the boy is Peter Winters. Thank you for letting us stay here even without money. We'll be sure to pay you the price as soon as we can."

Marcie shook her head, "It's fine. Just help a bit around the place and that should cover it. Though if you do want some extra, we can introduce you to the rest of the village."

"That would be very helpful. Thank you."

"Why don't you start by helping me in the kitchen? I'm starting dinner right now."

I nodded and followed Marcie into the kitchen. There was already a large variety of dishes done. I stared in awe and then asked, "Are you sure you still need help?"

Marcie grinned, "Always."

At that, Marcie directed me in what I should do. I followed her directions.

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Second World: Chapter 5

The Queen

In the end, Celeste and I were supposed to share a room while Peter was next door to us. We originally tried to convince them that one room was enough because we didn't want to spend more money than necessary but then they said that they would only charge us for one room.

Celeste stayed in the room, taking an early nap. After the sudden pull into this world, it was understandable that she was tired. I took this change to ask the innkeeper's daughter what she meant by 'the queen'. I walked down the stairs from our room on the second floor. Peter was just about to head out with the innkeeper. I stared in his direction as soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

Peter turned to look at me at that instant. I continued to stare after him and asked, "Where?"

He smiled at me, "Just outside to the inn's stables with the innkeeper. I'm starting my work early."

I nodded in response which he took as acceptance. Peter opened the door and stepped out of the inn. I turned and saw the little girl drawing at the table. I slowly approached the table and smiled when she looked up, "Hi. What are you drawing there?"

The girl smiled and held up her picture, "Mama, Papa, Ian and me!"

The picture had a very detailed drawing. Something that wouldn't have been expected of a little girl her age. I was pleasantly surprised. I took a seat across from her and then proceeded in asking, "Earlier, you mentioned something about a queen... May I ask what you meant?"

The girl's eyes brightened. She got out of her seat and ran to get a book. While she went to do that, I touched her picture. The details were amazing. I looked at her family and remembered that I hadn't met her brother, Ian, yet.

The girl climbed back into her chair and then started opening the book she held. After a few flips, she located the page she wanted. There on that page was a picture of a queen. The girl pointed at the image and said, "This is the Queen of our kingdom. You look very much like her."

I took a look at the picture and realized that she was right. I was the splitting image of the queen in the book.

Original content posted under the pen name of Elyona Sterling at Textnovel.